God Opens Doors!

We have returned from our August Kenya/East Africa Mission Trip renewed and inspired! Shortly after landing in Nairobi we were informed that there was a new commissioner of the Kenyan prisons, and that he had revamped the volunteer requirements for non citizens, which virtually eliminated any possibility of ministering in any of the tree prisons that we normally visit.
We carried on, disappointed and prayerful. Yet, with the perseverance of one of our team members and by the grace of God, two of the three doors were opened to us! Thank you Jesus!! The women of Lan’gata and the young men of Youth Corrections and Training Center (YCTC) were as overjoyed as we were when we entered each facility, worshiped with them and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The ladies were encouraged and brought closer to God, and about 20 of the young men surrendered their lives to Christ!
God is good…All the time!! Thank you all for praying for us.